
World’s fastest 4D STEM detector

A revolutionary new direct detection camera for four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D STEM) delivering more speed, more pixels and exceptional image quality.

  • Direct Electron Celeritas 4D STEM direct detection TEM camera

    Key Features

    • High speed - Up to 100x faster than conventional STEM detectors and 87000 fps
    • High dynamic range - Up to 10x higher dynamic range compared to monolithic active pixel sensor direct detectors
    • Ultra-fast in situ TEM - Sub-millisecond in situ TEM
    • High resolution - 1024x1024 pixels
    • Ultra low noise
    • STEM upgrade - High-impact cost-effective upgade for your existing STEM
    • Versatile - Ideal for advanced STEM, 4D STEM, ptychography, and compressive sensing

Conventional 4D STEM detectors took around 15-20 minutes to capture a 1 MP STEM image. The Celeritas in around 10 sec. Imagine how much faster you can analyse your materials at that speed!

4D STEM is a cutting edge analytical technique that allows researchers to explore the structure of materials, capturing full electron diffraction patterns. This enables the visualisation of atoms that are otherwise difficult to see with conventional STEM cameras. The resultant data provides valuable information about crystal orientation, strain, electric and magnetic fields and other important features.

  • Direct Electron Celeritas world's fastest 4D STEM detector webinar

    Celeritas 4D Stem Detector On-Demand Webinar

    Celeritas is Direct Electron’s new 4D STEM camera. 4D STEM is a cutting-edge technique that uses the richness of information available in STEM for exploring the structure of materials. However, until now researchers have had limited choices for 4D STEM detectors.

    Learn about the benefits to your research and applications of Direct Electron’s Celeritas 4D STEM detector in this on-demand webinar.

  • Direct Electron Celeritas launch covered in AMMS Newsletter

    Direct Electron Launch World’s Fastest 4D STEM Detector

    Direct Electron, the world’s leader in direct detection TEM cameras have launched Celeritas, the world’s fastest 4D STEM detector. It is a revelation in 4-dimensional Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy, allowing microscopists to capture 1MP STEM images in 10 seconds, that would take 15 to 20 minutes on conventional systems, paving the way for true dynamic studies to be performed.

    Read the full press release.

  • All
  • Diffraction Imaging
  • EBSD
  • EDS
  • Electron Beam Lithography (EBL)
  • Electron Microscopy
  • Fabrication
  • FIB
  • In situ
  • Microscopy
  • SEM
  • TEM
  • Thermal Probe Lithography
  • WDS