Analytical solutions for process metallurgy optimisation, mineralogy and laboratory instrumentation

Our Mining & Resources Team
Melissa Narbey
Business DevelopmentMelissa started in the mining industry as an analytical chemist in the Goldfields of Western Australia. She is familiar with the analytical technologies used for the accurate and precise analysis of minerals, keeping pace with ever evolving new technologies and the benefits they can bring to your operation.
Russell McChesney
Business Development ExecutiveRussell has worked in the mining and exploration industry for over 20 years, with experience across a wide variety of commodities. He is an exploration geophysicist and has worked with ground and airborne data acquisition companies in roles ranging from field crew to senior management positions. Russel has also worked for a global geological software provider, an international geophysical consultancy group and a core analysis equipment manufacturer.
Zofia Swierczek
Principal MineralogistZofia is a tertiary educated mineralogist with extensive experience in the characterisation of ore bodies and the geometallurgical samples from a wide range of commodities. Her current role as the Principal Mineralogist at the AMI and AXT in Perth involves development and optimisation of the TIMA technique for specific project requirements.
Dr Jing Li
Principal GeometallurgistJing is an Applied Mineralogist and Spectral Geoscientist with more than 15 years of experiences in ore deposit research, mineral exploration, process mineralogy, mineral processing and geometallurgy. Her role as Principal Geometallurgist for the AMI is to develop Automated Mineralogy application for geoscience, mineral processing and geometallurgy projects, aimed at optimising resource management and plant operation.
Alejandro Fayad
Geologist / mineralogistAlejandro holds a Masters in Geology/Earth Science from Curtin University and degree in Geology from Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia). He is well versed in mining operations for both exploration and mining including drillhole planning, mapping and 3D modelling, grade control through to geometallurgy.
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- Automated Mineralogy
- Hyperspectral
- Micro XRD
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- Spectroscopy
- XRD & Diffraction