ECORE – LIBS Core Scanner
A high-speed microanalytical core scanner based on LIBS technology

ECORE is the ultimate core scanner, combining a novel geochemical laser ablation sensor with ELEMISSION automation expertise resulting in increases to your on-site workflow. Based on LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) technology, ECORE provides microanalytical capabilities on a macroscale at a speed that keeps up with commercial demands.
Key Features
- Multi-elemental emission spectroscopy - Elemental maps for spatial distribution of elements
- Fast - Up to 2000+ m/day at standard resolution
- High resolution - 50µm spot size
- Variable scanning resolution - Variable sample spacing for high-speed scanning
- High resolution camera - High-resolution RGB data co-located with spectral responses
- Flexible sample types - Suits everything from whole & cut core, pressed powders and rock chips
- Automated quantified mineralogy - Smart Automated Mineralogy software combines mineral identity with quantification
ECORE is the ultimate core scanner, combining a novel geochemical laser ablation sensor with ELEMISSION automation expertise resulting in increases to your on-site workflow.
Based on LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) technology, ECORE provides microanalytical capabilities on a macroscale at a speed that keeps up with commercial demands.
Run time – 54 sec
Learn about how the ECORE can benefit you in less than 1 minute!
Sample Types
The ELEMISSION ECORE rapid LIBS core scanner has the versatility to cater for a range of different sample types including
- Whole drill core
- Cut drill core
- Pressed powders
- Rock chips
Combinations of these can be scanned all at once with virtually no sample preparation.
Scan Resolution
The LIBS laser has an analytical area of 50 µm providing microanalytical data. The system enables you to vary the spacing between each analytical spot as well as the scan pattern depending on your specific requirements. e.g. if you want to run a quick control scan or are looking for region of interest, you can space your analytical spots further apart and then when a region of interest is identified, you can re-scan using more closely spaced spots.
This flexibility is ideal for host rock vs zones of mineralisation or interest.
Integrated High Resolution Camera
The ECORE has an integrated high resolution RGB camera. Images from the camera can be co-located with spectral data enabling correlation of datasets for easy reference.
Data Output – Elemental Maps
One of the primary outputs form the ECORE LIBS core scanner is elemental maps that show relative concentrations of each elements. In addition, quantitative chemical analysis at any point can be provided.
The system is sensitive enough that it can also provide trace element analysis.
Data Output – Quantitative Mineralogy
The proprietary ELEDIT® software provided with the system that enables you to view, interrogate and integrate geological data allowing you to analyse textural relationships of minerals.

- All
- Automated Mineralogy
- CL
- Core Scanning
- Hyperspectral
- Raman
- Spectroscopy