Unlock the world of 3D cell culture

Designed for printing temperature-sensitive materials. Develop 3D models that replicate in vivo environments for more accurate research outcomes.

  • Cellink BIO ONE - Biodispenser for drug discovery

    Key Features

    • Cooling capabilities – Maintain printhead temperatures down to 0°C
    • Materials flexibility – Caters for any material (low & high viscosity)
    • Compact size – Benchtop configuration that can fit in a biosafety cabinet
    • Precision – High reproducibility with 0.1µm volume step
    • Heated printbed – RT-65°C, ideal for thermal crosslinking
    • Versatility – Ideal for printing droplets, droplet arrays and lattices
    • Ease-of-use – User-friendly interface facilitates 3D cell culture success

With exceptional cooling capabilities, precision syringe-based extrusion and an intuitive, easy-to-use desktop software in DNA Studio Core, the BIO ONE brings a new level of ease in the transition to 3D cell culture. Designed for printing temperature-sensitive materials like collagen, the BIO ONE enables scientists to develop 3D models that replicate in vivo environments, contributing to accelerated discoveries.


  • Tissue engineering – Perfect platform to start creating 3D tissue models
  • Materials science – Fine tune various printing parameters to develop your own materials and bioinks or utilize it within soft robotics and smart materials
  • Drug discovery – Suits up to 384 well plates, easily increase the number of replicates to generate an accurate understanding of the behaviour of new drug candidates
  • All
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Biological Microscopy
  • Bioprinting
  • Cell Culture
  • DLP Bioprinters
  • Extrustion Bioprinters
  • Fluorescent Microscopy
  • Microfluidic Bioprinters