A bench top source for EUV and soft X-rays

XUUS4 upconverts ultrafast laser pulses into the Extreme UV or soft X-ray regions of the spectrum. Capable of producing tunable wavelengths from 6.5 nm to 47 nm using a patented waveguide architecture, the High Harmonic Generation (HHG) process guarantees your harmonics originate from the same point in space every time, minimising any pointing drift and providing superior pressure tunability
Key Features
- High Harmonic Generation. A waveguide that achieves optimum conversion, stability, repeatability and robustness with an EUV flux that can exceed > 1×1012 ph/sec for the most demanding applications
- Ultrastable. 4-axis active stabilization of the beam, generating an EUV beam intensity and wavefront stability comparable to visible-IR lasers
- Patented waveguide design. Allows efficient use of high-pressure gas with minimum gas usage: 1000 x less than a gas jet geometry and up to 100 x greater efficiency
- XUUS4 output can be optimised. Different applications such as ARPES, imaging, transient absorption, MOKE and XMCD are possible

- All
- CL
- Diffraction Imaging
- Hyperspectral
- LALI-TOF-MS - Laser Ablation Laser Induced Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
- Laser spectroscopy
- Mass Spectrometry
- Raman
- Spectrophotometry
- Spectroscopy
- X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES/EXAFS)