XtaLAB Synergy-DW - Dual Wavelength Single Crystal XRD
DNA/RNAMicro XRDMolecular BiologyProteinProtein CrystallographySmall MoleculeXRD & Diffraction
Easily create, modify and access programs, saving time
Compact entry-level thermal cyclers that deliver reproducible results every run
These compact thermal cyclers deliver reproducible results every run—with little to no training needed. Features include a clear responsive touch screen, secure user-specific programming, adjustable heated lid, and active sample cooling for sharper amplification.
A Program Wizard generates a protocol specific to your sequence in seconds—a quick way to optimise new assays. Units also retain approximately 1000 reports for reviewing at a later date and run on an intuitive, HD Android™ tablet interface. Save your personal settings to your USB drive; sign in is as simple as inserting your USB drive, no password needed.
These compact entry-level thermal cyclers deliver reproducible results every run—with little to no training needed. Features include a clear responsive touch screen, secure user-specific programming, adjustable heated lid, and active sample cooling.
Alpha Cyclers PCR systems utilise the free cross platform Alpha Track App, which reads a QR code displayed on the system, to allow users to remotely monitor run time completion, allowing people to get on with other work and not need to keep checking when the system is going to finish its cycle. The Alpha Track app also has a feature allowing users to send an instrument report back to Cole-Parmer’s technical team.
Users can also authorise any USB drive/pen they have as their login/out key; simply insert the USB to automatically login with no need to remember another password. The system will configure as previously defined and the user’s programs will be displayed. Any run started while the user was logged in cannot be interrupted/stopped mid run and that user’s protocols are hidden from view and cannot be tampered with meaning users protocols are secure and safe on their USB.